Do Your Employees Need Training to Control Customer Debt?

Hard to find good training programs
There is a big push to get your employees trained in office skills these days. But when it comes to finding courses in debt collection and accounts receivable management the accredited training modules are written for the financial services industry. Therefore, not for small businesses. These courses will give the student a certificate but will not necessarily train them in the particular skills the average small business requires.
Some debt collection agencies deliver debt collection training but they are coming from a different perspective. If they are successful they will lose customers. It could be relevant to get the accredited training for your employees; but research shows that to be trained does not guarantee job performance. Most businesses would like to get a return on their training investment dollar. So what is a small owner to do about this predicament? What I suggest is that the business owner needs to be very specific about what their business needs are regarding employee skills.
Essential Skills:
- bookkeeping skills
- telephone skills
- customer service
- interpersonal skills
- the business’s policies and procedures
Prepare Policies and Procedures
Well written Policies and Procedures assist managers to inspire employees to understand their roles and responsibilities. So, training in the policies will let employees know how you want your business to operate.
Weekly meetings
Weekly meetings assist in monitoring activities. Consequently everything is done to reduce your risk of customer debt getting out of control and also contribute to process improvement.
Train your staff
Biz Skills offers online lecture courses:
- Responding to Customer Complaints teaches the communication skills required to respond to a customer’s complaint and preserve the good customer relationship
- the Effective Debt Collection Strategies course teaches debt collection activities skills
- the Debtor’s Ledger Management Course teaches debt collection activities skills. Plus manages all the aspects of the system that deals with giving customers credit
Biz Skills courses to improve cash flow and accounts receivable management
Visit the Queensland Government Business website for advice on finding the right people