by Zanette Phillips | Aug 21, 2018
The purpose of the Phone Script is to enable people to think about what to say to a customer to get them to pay now. A step by step guide in how to use a phone script plus how to handle customer excuses, how to cope with customers with cash flow problems and meetings...
by Zanette Phillips | Aug 21, 2018
The purpose of the Terms of Trade Policy is to define the terms of trade to give to a customer and the circumstances when payment of the sale is expected to be received.
by Zanette Phillips | Aug 21, 2018
The purpose of this policy is to define who a business will give credit to and the process of determining the customer is creditworthy
by Zanette Phillips | Aug 21, 2018
Step by step guidance to preparing a complaints policy with procedures
by Zanette Phillips | Aug 21, 2018
Communications course for customer service teaching how to respond to customer when they make a complaint with the goal of preserving the customer relationship