Group Courses in Digital Literacy

Face-to-face group courses with trainer Zanette Phillips

Digital literacy has become indispensable for every global citizen, whether to communicate, find employment, receive comprehensive education, or socialise.  Acquiring the right set of digital skills is not only important for learning and workforce readiness but also vital to foster more openness, exclusivity, and security.

Digital literacy, like other competencies, should start at school.  However, many education systems lack the proper infrastructure, technological equipment, teacher training, or learning benchmarks to effectively integrate digital literacy into the curriculum.

Effective strategies to address digital literacy and skill-building will require public and private investments in digital infrastructure, policy and governance frameworks, and training in the use of digital technologies.

By Romina Bandura and Elena I. Méndez Leal Published July 18, 2022

Biz Skills delivers basic digital literacy courses for all age groups.  Not all the courses are available now as some are still in the preparation stage

Microsoft Word and Touch Typing are available now

The courses that will follow:

Excel, Windows and Starting a Computer

Group of students learning Word
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