Basic Computer and Windows Skills was written for people who have never started a computer.   But it also includes heaps of valuable information about the features of the Windows 10 software so people who have the basics of computer use can learn to navigate the various menus and see what they do.   The course is based on the criteria of the accredited course BSBITU101.  So some ergonomics information is included to learn how to set up the workstation and sit correctly to minimise workstation injuries.   

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Interactive course

One of the best things about this course is that it is interactive.  The task is explained and demonstrated, then I ask you to do the same task.  This means you are constantly learning and practising the tasks as you go through the course.  In addition there are quizzes at the end of each lecture to reinforce your learning.

Watch this 3 minute introduction

2 hour interactive lecture course – 19 lectures

Download:   Course Content Document         

Extra video on website to explain:

‘How to Set up your computer to watch video and perform exercises at the same time’.

Course Cost:  $165.00 (Includes GST)




Course Topics

  • Ergonomics
  • Functions and components of a computer
  • Starting and getting to know the system
  • The desktop and shortcuts
  • Navigating file explorer
  • Creating and moving Folders and files
  • Creating a hierarchical filing system
  • Help, the printer and the shutdown
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